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Sparkford Parish Council

Sparkford Planning Applications

You can find more information on planning and planning applications on the Somerset Council website.

Application NoDetailsAddress
24/01758/FULErection of a detached dwelling and garage with an associated garden and driveway off an unaltered existing vehicular access.
24/00891/FULConstruction of new unit (Use class E, B2 and B8)Land To South West of Unit 1 Goodwood Drive Sparkford
24/00940/FULErection of a single storey building to be used as welcome/meeting area at entrance to business park.Land East Of Entrance To Vantage Park Goodwood Drive Sparkford
22/01598/OUTOutline application with all matters reserved except for access for the creation of commercial buildings under Use Class B2 and B8 Land South Of High Street Sparkford
22/01331/OUTOutline application with all matters reserved for the redevelopment of the brownfield site, Dairy House Yard, adjacent to the Haynes Motor Museum to create commercial employment space (Use Classes E (a,b,c,d and g), B2 and B8) to support and enhance the activities of the adjoining Haynes Motor Museum.Land At Dairy House Yard Cary Road Sparkford
22/00991/COLApplication for a certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of building as a residential dwelling Sparkford Hall Equestrian Centre Rear Of Sparkford Hall Sparkford Road Sparkford
22/00259/OUTOutline planning application for the development of up to 45 residential units, a 60 bed care home, open space, play space, associated infrastructure (including works to the public highway, swales and a surface water pond), access, parking, servicing and landscaping. All matters reserved except for access.Land Opposite Hazelgrove Lodge High Street Sparkford
22/00243/OUTOutline application for demolition of existing structures and development of three Drive Thru units associated parking, servicing, landscaping and infrastructure. All matters reserved except access.Land Opposite Hazelgrove Lodge High Street Sparkford
21/01615/REMReserved matters application of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline approval 17/04916/OUT for the erection of 4 No. dwellings and construction of vehicular access thereto.Land Adjacent Fletcher Moss Sparkford Hill Lane Sparkford
21/01617/REM Reserved matters application of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline approval 18/03536/OUT for the erection of 2 No. dwellings and construction of vehicular access thereto. Land Adjacent Fletcher Moss Sparkford Hill Lane Sparkford
21/00899/FULChange of use from office use (Use Class E (B1) to residential (Use Class C3), the formation of a driveway off of existing access, landscaping between the industrial car park and new driveway. Erection of a double garage & formation of new boundary fencing between Home Farm and existing industrial buildings. Internal and external alterations to include fenestration alterations on the south-west elevation and re-introduction of the first floor which is currently a double level vaulted ceiling.Woodbine Cottage High Street Sparkford
21/00901/FUL Change of use from office use (Use Class E (B1) to residential (Use Class C3) with associated demolition of existing outbuilding, first-floor extension and single-storey flat roof extension, and part boundary treatments (walls and fences) to allow for the re-arrangement of external amenity areas and manoeuvrability of vehicles and alterations to existing accessHome Farmhouse High Street Sparkford
21/00496/AGNNotification of intent to construct 2 no. pondsSparkford Hall Sparkford Road Sparkford
19/02373/OUTOutline application with all matters reserved except for access for the erection of 6 No. dwellings.Land At Long Hazel Farm High Street Sparkford
19/01123/FULErection of seven dwellings and conversion of barn to dwelling Land Rear Of Sparkford Inn High Street Sparkford
19/01100/LBCInternal and external alterations to barn to convert to dwellingSparkford Inn High Street Sparkford